So SAD To See That We Can’t Even Maintain Basic Human Civility Even During Christmas — During A HOSPITAL Visit!

by Anura Guruge
on December 24, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE & read here. Link to U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article.

Click image to access my last ‘Manners’ post from October.

This is just plain SAD.

This was not clever. This was not cute. This was not politic. This was just plain SAD.

I feel sorry & bad for the misguided father. His kid is in hospital. And this is what he has to say.

How sad.

It is Christmas.

Biden, by any measure, is an old man.

Biden, by any measure, is a decent, caring man.

This was not clever. This was SAD.

I feel SAD for the U.S. I feel sad for humanity.

We need to be better than this.

Think about it.

It is Christmas.

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