Snapshot & Analysis Of Pope Francis’ 8 Cardinal Creating Consistories To-Date.

by Anura Guruge
on July 2, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From one of my magic papal Excel spreadsheets.

A year ago I did not think Pope Francis has the strength or energy, but I have had to reassess my position though he is, obviously, older & sicker than he was last year.

Basically, he does not have a choice.

He really needs to hold another cardinal creating consistory SOON. Given his health he might be forced to do it as early as August — which was when we had last.

Ideally, he would try to push it back till November. Then a couple more electors would have aged out.

I wanted to show you this analysis BEFORE I did any other posts. That way it will be easier for you to follow my rationales.

Pay particular attention to how he has ALWAYS exceeded the {now} SUPPOSED 120 elector limit. Appreciating this is key. I think at the next one he will blow past his previous highs and appoint as many as 10 or 12 ABOVE the 120 limit. OK?

Study this. I will refer to it in my subsequent posts.

5 thoughts on “Snapshot & Analysis Of Pope Francis’ 8 Cardinal Creating Consistories To-Date.

  1. Peter (prospero)

    As for the date for a next consistory, I would agree with you that it will almost certainly be in November. But as always with Francis, predicting who will get the red hat (with the exception of a few men from the Curia) is hardly possible.

    A few weeks ago a journalist who lived in Rome for a long time and is still well connected there told me that Cardinal Burke, looking ahead to the Synod of Bishops in October, had called for prayers that it should not take place. In other words, he hopes that Francis will not live to see the Synod, which is absolutely displeasing to conservative circles.

    As for Francis’ physical condition, it is understandable, given his age, that “signs of deterioration” are clearly evident. On the other hand, after Ratzinger’s death, his original spiritual energy seems to have returned. It is obvious that he himself must definitely anchor the synodal path initiated by him in the Church. It is said that Francis regards John XXIII as a patron saint for this enterprise.

    Another look at the College of Cardinals: From the very beginning, Francis implemented the intention of opening it up as far as possible to other horizons.What is interesting now is that he seems to rely mainly on cardinals from Europe, Latin America and Asia. He is fully aware that men like Burke and Sarah are creating a corresponding atmosphere among their confreres from North America and Africa both against his policies and, in particular, against his personality.

    Pax et Bonum !

    1. admin Post author

      Very busy. 4th of July & rain & fireworks. Will respond later. Fascinating. Burke is to use American lingo quite the Burke! All the best. I will get back later this week. OK. Pax.

  2. Mark T.

    My theory here (this, as we all know, and a quarter won’t even buy a packet of peanuts):

    Francis has staked a lot on The Synod of Synodality, Like all World Leaders, he is concerned by (his) Legacy.
    He knows that his whole pontificate will be judged–fairly or unfairly–by the outcome of this “process”, even if it takes years to implement–long after he’s laid out in the vault below the main altar at St. Peter’s.

    With that in mind, IMHO no Consistory will be held until the proceedings here–at least this 2023 phase of it–have finished.
    Why wait, you might say? Francis surely isn’t getting any younger!
    Well, the Synod will be for Francis a way (misquoting the Gospels) to separate the Sheep (his flunkies) from the Goats (recalcitrant, reactionary–to use Marxist terminology–dirty rotten stinking (to misquote Douglas Adams) crybabies).

    Sorry, I can’t help myself!

    All this to find out the guys who are REALLY onboard with The New Agenda.
    Talk about “Clericalism”!! Ecclesiastical careers will be made and broken in this process!

    Bottom Line: from their ranks, Francis will make a bunch of new appointments to the College. And ‘promote’ the rest to dioceses in, say, Antarctica somewhere… 😀

    1. admin Post author

      Smile. SAVED BY THE BELL (or to be precise a concert). I was volunteering at one most of afternoon/evening SO could NOT reply to this earlier. So, that answers that!
      A bit of levity because I am sure you can do with some today. Have you ever considered becoming CofE? The next 20 years could get rough for YOU has a good, solid, ‘traditional’ U.S. Catholic.
      So, I guess the 120 limit is HISTORY.
      I also assume that the pope & his flunkies (as you call them) already have (or have plans in hand for this week) to get the pope to authenticate an affidavit saying that he made all of these 21 cardinals in a secret/private consistory. They can then make it public if health intervenes.
      He even went past my 10. But, I still don’t think he has enough VOTES!
      This will be a contentious conclave esp. if he does NOT make a ruling before he is greeted by St. Peter.
      Some cardinals will claim ‘STOLEN ELECTION’ & will hire Rudi (an exemplary American Catholic) to further their claims.
      I am even more convinced that SOME U.S. Catholics will do their best to BUY this conclave. Crazy thing is that it will NOT be expensive. MAX. MAX. MAX. 4 million. $100K will get most of the Asian & African votes.
      MORE LATER. Smile. I think CofE would be good for you. SMILE. PAX.
      Cheers, Anura

      1. Mark T.

        LOL–shades of Cardinal Spellman (allegedly) passing out $1000 bills in immediate postwar Rome to get whatever he had on his mind…yeh. There are agendæ afoot and at stake….and one can’t help but wonder who might be pulling the strings (c.f., the China ‘Agreement’ of 2018). We’ll never know of course…

        Eh, CofE…already “lowered the bar” for basically everything already. 😉
        Pretty sure all the affected groups haven’t been streaming back to services there…
        Maybe the Orthodox are in better shape. Dunno.

        Back to being serious (well,, kind of). I am in 100% agreement that the next conclave will be contentious (putting it mildly). I wonder what we can infer from the length or brevity of the balloting…. If Francis II (used figuratively here of course…I strongly suspect the next pope if he is from “the Francis camp” will use a fresh name, say Pope Michael or Pope Joseph or Pope Gabriel or some such) is elected quickly, what would that mean? If against all odds someone from the, lets say Sarah/Gäswein/Müller camp, is elected after more than five days of Conclave, what will that mean?

        Either way, to (again!) misquote Bette Davis, it’s “going to be a bumpy ride”!
        But fascinating to us armchair historians! 😀


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