Sad To Hear Of The Demise Of The ‘Mountain Lion’ At ‘Squam Science Center’, New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on November 22, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE and read here. For their Facebook page.

My pictures of the TWO of them from May 2018.

Click to ENLARGE.

We knew them, i.e., the two mountain lions, well. We used to be v. frequent visitors to the ‘Squam Lakes Science Center‘ for many, many years in a row. We had ‘Boston’ ‘Museum of Science‘ membership which gave us free or reduced admission. We went even outside of that.

We were invited to an evening viewing & reception when the two baby cubs first arrived. I guess that was 19 to 20 years ago. Well we have seen them so often after that.

Indubitably they were the highlight of any visits. Such beautiful & majestic animals. Plus, they had got quite tame. They tolerated us, the annoying public. Sometimes I have seen them interact & play with visitors.

Sad to see that they are both gone. May 2018 was probably our last visit — given that 2020 to now was COVID.

I had no idea how long they lived. I gather 19 to 20 years is the norm.

I hope they had a good life at Squam. We can never be sure. They were well taken care of, BUT they were not free. They could NOT roam.

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