Rumors Of Pope Francis’ Resignation & His Supposed Edict On The Status Of A ‘Pope Emeritus’.

by Anura Guruge
on August 24, 2021

Click image to access the Motu Proprio at the Vatican site.

I do believe that Pope Francis could very well be working on an edict that defines the role of a ‘Pope Emeritus‘.

That, however, should NOT be taken as an indication that Pope Francis is planning to resign anytime soon.

If anything it could indicate the very opposite, i.e., that Pope Francis intends to be in absolute charge for many years to come (God willing (of course, in his special case)). What?

We already have a Pope Emeritus.

That pope emeritus has NOT lived up to his original promise to stay, firmly, in the background, devoting his entire time & energies into prayer & meditation.

NO! That pope emeritus has over the years, with increasing frequency, become quite the gadfly. Of late, with the Latin Mass controversy not abating, the pope emeritus has become lightning-rod. A rallying point. A figure who could inspire a genuine schism.

So, my druthers is that Pope Francis will issue an edict limiting the ‘visibility’ of the pope emeritus. Essentially putting a gag order on the ex-pope. To be fair, Francis has the right — & the motives — to do so. The ex-pope is becoming too much of a distraction.

That is my take. Yes, Francis could very well be working on an edict to redefine the status of a pope emeritus. But, that does NOT mean that he is planning to resign. The edict is to curb the voice of the current ex-pope.

I do not see Pope Francis resigning in the coming 12-months, if not longer. He has become addicted to his power & stature. There is no way he will give it up now — even if his health starts to falter. He will do what other popes have done. He will cling on to the papacy until ‘God’ makes the final summons. That used to be the way until the current ex-pope rocked the boat.

I could, as ever, be wrong, but this is by current take. Please feel free to contradict me. Comments are open.

6 thoughts on “Rumors Of Pope Francis’ Resignation & His Supposed Edict On The Status Of A ‘Pope Emeritus’.

  1. Louis E.

    Any edict on ex-popes that he pens would be applied to him when he retired.and if the next pope is not to his liking he would have trouble staying as silent as Benedict has.(But to those who prefer a living former pope to a sitting pope the former need only be breathing to be a focus of their resistance to the latter).

    1. admin Post author

      Louis, I don’t think Francis plans to resign, ever. So, in his mind, the ex-pope edict will never apply to him. That is my take.

  2. Mark T

    Well, for some of the “that’s not my pope!” Francis-haters, they might long for the days of Benedict’s theological and doctrinal integrity. But for all Francis’ faults, and all the resulting grumbling, no one is seriously contemplating a “restoration” of Benedict.
    And that’s not to say Benedict would even WANT a redux of his papacy (though not unprecedented, as you know) and take the reins back. Certainly not at age 94!
    But I agree–Francis’ intent is (probably) to codify what it means to be an ex-pope: duties, responsibilities, etc.
    My guess it will be tantamount to house-arrest (many precedents) and a gag-order. The euphemism “a life of prayer and contemplation” will be trotted out, I’m sure. Meaning of course a cloistered NO CONTACT WITH ANYONE life.
    For all that, Francis is certainly not contemplating his own resignation. He’s teased it before, but he’s not going to do that. I don’t think his ego will allow that. Sound familiar? 🙂


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