‘Rowen’ (Our Newfie) Goes Kayaking For The First Time.

by Anura Guruge
on July 8, 2022

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Though she is now going down to our lake (viz. ‘Halfmoon‘) twice a day — once in the morning & then late evening — this was the FIRST time with a kayak. This was my first time in a kayak this year & last year I did kayak at all (supposedly saving myself for Stand-up Paddle Boarding though that didn’t happen either).

But, we got the kayak, finally, to the beach this evening. It is stored there now. So, I will probably do more kayaking in the coming days.

Rowen was intrigued. She had seen others in canoes & kayaks before BUT she had steadfastly ignored them. Like it was below her dignity to try & investigate what they were. But I on the water, at eye-level, was a different matter. She followed the kayak — basically the same way she typically follows me most places. My fluffy shadow. It was cute.

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