‘Rachmaninoff’, ‘All Night Vigil’ Concert At ‘Dartmouth’ ‘Hopkins’ — I Got Tickets.

by Anura Guruge
on April 30, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. Link to original at ‘THE HOP’.

I link church & choral music (by and large). Something that a v. few (if any) know about me is that I am sucker for vespers — especially in a cathedral setting. If I was ever close to a cathedral & I had time I would make a point to attend vespers.

Well, this is Orthodox vespers. Plus, despite its name, it is NOTAll Night‘! I really couldn’t handle all night.

We used to go to concerts at the HOP all the time. But, with COVID etc., I haven’t been to any event there in many, many years. So, this was also a chance to rectify that.

I have never been inside the ‘Rollins Chapel‘ at Dartmouth. That is another motivation.

I checked out the ‘performance’ on YouTube multiple times. I think I will like it. I hope I do. It will, however, be AN experience & I am all for that.

Yes, of course, I will let you know.

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