‘Pope Francis’, Who Will Turn 87 In 25-Days, Will Continue To Be 3rd OLDEST In Recorded History.

by Anura Guruge
on November 22, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From one of my ‘magic’ papal excels.

The 2 keywords of note here are ‘recorded history‘. When it comes to papal birthdays, papal history only goes back to 1400. The birthdates of popes prior to 1400 are either unavailable or unreliable. Hence, any meaningful age-related claims as to popes have to be ‘as of 1400’.

Francis became the 3rd OLDEST pope as of 1400
on December 30, 2023.

So, he has been 3rd oldest close to a year. He still has 11-months to go before he becomes the 2nd KNOWN OLDEST. That is quite the thing. Kind of WILD.

We have had 64 popes since 1400, & of those 64 Francis is the 3rd oldest.

Francis’ predecessor, who resigned in 2013, i.e., Benedict XVI, will remain in #5; John Paul II who was the previous will be at #8.

So, the last 3 popes will, respectively, hold the #3, #5 & #8 spots (as of 1400) — from among 64 popes.

IF Benedict XVI had not resigned, he, at 95, would have been the OLDEST pope as of 1400. That is a sobering thought.

Just two years ago Francis was at #7. He has been going up in the rankings fast.

One thought on “‘Pope Francis’, Who Will Turn 87 In 25-Days, Will Continue To Be 3rd OLDEST In Recorded History.

  1. admin Post author

    I learn MUCH Latin from YOU. Thank YOU. I missed Latin in school by a year or two. I am not good at languages. Bad English was all that I was able to master — though it is not my mother tongue (which I can no longer speak, understand or read!).
    I THINK if he concentrates he CAN MAKE 2nd OLDEST (known). That would be NEAT. I hope he makes that.
    As for #1 … that will take help from his buddy ‘up there’. But, that too is DOABLE & it will be WILD. Wow. OLDEST KNOWN. Francis! Not that long.
    Happy Christmas.
    Check out my Christmas BOOK. Bet that YOU DON’T know 40% of it.


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