‘Pope Francis’, The New ‘Warrior Pope’, Appears To Again Put The U.S. Catholics To The Sword.

by Anura Guruge
on November 28, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Headlines from ‘Google News‘.

To be fair, this has NOT BEEN confirmed as yet. Based on notoriously flakey Vatican rumors.

But, it does sound very plausible. And ‘Burke‘ deserves it!

This is, however, NOT Popish behavior. There is nothing subtle or clever about it. I can’t see any of the last 4 popes acting like this. They would have been much, much, much more discreet and low-key. Francis, however, is the Bull in the China Shop. So, Trumpian.

The U.S. Catholics, as I repeatedly point out, are NOT going to be HAPPY. They are going to spend MILLIONS and MILLIONS to BUY the next pope. Mark my word on that. SMILE.

Hail Pope Francis the NEW ‘Warrior Pope’.

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