Pope Francis Is DEAD WRONG! Greatest Evil In The Church Is ‘Clerical Sex Abuse’.

by Anura Guruge
on February 7, 2022

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Gossip is the greatest evil in the Catholic Church? This pope has become either senile, even more disingenuous or both.

How does clerical sex abuse compare against gossip?

Or is it that he hates it when clerics gossip about clerical sex abuse COVERUP by the likes of former popes!

I am sorry. This is beyond the pale. This pope has got too OLD — in every sense of the word. He has to go. We need a NEW pope.

What about the Catholic Church and ALL THE MURDERS at the Canadian ‘Residential Schools’? That is a lesser evil to gossip. Francis, I am sorry to say, is coming across as a moron.

Click to access one of my related posts.

I am NOT amused.

This pope, any pope, has to take some responsibility. Feel accountable.

I have said it before, I will say it again. Francis is to popes, what Trump was to U.S. presidents. He is by far the WORST pope in recent history. He was a mistake. A big mistake. He needs to go. He needs to go soon, like in this year.

3 thoughts on “Pope Francis Is DEAD WRONG! Greatest Evil In The Church Is ‘Clerical Sex Abuse’.

  1. mark61t

    Well, you know we’re in agreement here. Worst pope certainly of my lifetime, and perhaps longer than that… He has a preponderance of making ill-thought-out statements “off the cuff” which could be forgivable if they weren’t so heinous, so “off the reservation”!
    I think he does that just for effect.
    I think he REALLY thinks the “greatest sin of the church” is disloyalty to him (as a person). That is, it’s ok if one of his buddies is an abuser; he’ll do everything he can to “make it go away”.
    But if he’s not in “the inner circle” he has no problem throwing them under the bus for any reason (or no reason) at all. Just for perceived “disloyalty”.

    1. admin Post author

      I wasn’t sure you would see this. Glad you did. Also glad you agree with me. I owe you an e-mail & I will rectify that today. I guess you saw the Crux post etc. Francis looks old, tired, preoccupied & distracted. I had to get a calculator out last night to double-check something, i.e., that it has only been 6 decades since J23! Wow. When I think about it, it, of course, makes sense. I am 68. But, WOW, a lot of water has flowed under the bridges of Rome in those years. Amazing to think we have had P6, JPI & JP2 in that time. Well, maybe not that amazing. Francis, obviously, is NOT the worst pope ever! That would take some doing. Hope you are doing great. I will be in touch. My fault. Sorry. Thanks. Keep well. Cheers, Anura

  2. mark61t

    Yeh, but even the “worst ever” pope all depends on how you parse the question: Even the scum-of-the-earth popes in history (my mind immediately leaps to John XII, Benedict IX, Alexander VI, Stephen VI (VII) and Sergius III)–for all their horrible personal lives and misdeeds– did not mess with church teaching or doctrine, for the most part.
    Francis, on the other hand…


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