Passamaquoddy Traditional Song (With Hand Drum) By ‘Blawej’ Of ‘Bridgewater’, Maine.

by Anura Guruge
on August 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.
Click to ENLARGE.

I LUCKED OUT. Serendipity at its best.

Split Rock‘, ‘Pleasant Point‘, Maine, Thursday, August 10, 2023, just ahead of 2023 ‘Passamaquoddy Days‘.

I had not been to Split Rock before, so went there, around 5.30pm, on my way to ‘Eastport‘, to check it out.

Saw a thin pair of legs poking from underneath a bright yellow (see above) ‘Indian Taco’ trailer. I casually inquired ‘do you need any help?‘.

Voice from underneath the trailer said: “grab that metal leg by you and pull it down“. That was the start … I was there for nearly 2 hours helping him get set up.

He then did this song for ME as a THANK YOU. WOW.

He performed a shorter version, on Saturday evening, for the crowds, under the tent. But, this is the FULL version.

WOW. I am so fortunate.

Blawej & I had fun together. My kind of man. We are roughly the same age. Much I can learn from him.

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