Our New ‘eero 6’ Mesh Network Diagram.

by Anura Guruge
on December 10, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

First & foremost eero Support has been very forthcoming. I am happy about that. Within minutes of my post (a couple of days ago) that my new eero 6 network is SLOWER than my old eero 5 network they reached out to me. I am impressed & pleased.

I had to draw a network diagram for them. What I show above is a slightly simplified version of that.

I put it here, as a post, MAINLY for my own use! My blogs (& I have a couple that are private) serve as my journals — a record of my convoluted life. This way I can go searching for things down the road. I know the keywords I will use: “network diagram”. Bingo. I will be able to find this years from now. I just went & checked some of my older diagrams — which were fancier.

Click to ENLARGE. Network diagram from 2015. More detailed diagram!

2 thoughts on “Our New ‘eero 6’ Mesh Network Diagram.

  1. Richard Truely

    Mr G

    If they helped you to make any changes to improve the performance of the system could you share some information about that? I am curious because I am thinking about getting a mesh system and was considering eero.

    Thanks – Richard Truely

    1. admin Post author

      I sure will. I, alas, did not install this mesh, Wi-Fi network. Done by ISP provider as part of our TV/Internet package. They don’t have much idea. Eero is concerned that TOO many eeros can cause INTERFERENCE. There is a lot of handshaking that goes on between the units that takes up bandwidth. I sent them details diagrams etc. Let’s see what they say. I sure will SHARE. No worries. Happy holidays. Cheers, Anura


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