Not The Best Picture To Highlight Hunger & Food Shortages In Sri Lanka — ‘The Washington Post’.

by Anura Guruge
on April 17, 2022

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Click image to access ‘The Washington Post’ article.

Click to ENLARGE. From the article above talking about food shortages. Image of ‘Hasun Peiris’ (left) shown in full size below.

Click to ENLARGE. The image of ‘Hasun Peiris’ (above) shown in full size. Image copyright belong to ‘The Washington Post‘. Used to illustrate point.

Yes, I am aware of, & I do follow, what is going on in Sri Lanka right now. I have even proposed a solution.

I happened to see this article in the esteemed ‘The Washington Post‘ today & I had to smile when I saw this picture. Aahhh!

He doesn’t look exactly undernourished. If anything I would wager that he is obese! Well, he should be cutting back on what he is eating — and definitely so on the ‘coconut milk‘. In Sri Lanka what we call coconut milk is NOT the clear, healthy coconut water which has become a health fad in the West.

Click to ENLARGE. From Amazon.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘‘.

So, to be fair, in his case, the food shortage is doing him a favor. Might extend his life.

You would think that The Washington Post could have found a better subject to interview & use in a photo. Worst case they could have used MY picture. SMILE.

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