‘NH Scot’ & Their ‘NH Highland Games’ Getting Wimpy In Their Old-Age. Cancelling Events When It Was HARDLY A Storm!

by Anura Guruge
on September 16, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. ‘WMUR‘ headline superimposed over ‘NH Scot‘ homepage.

Click to ENLARGE. 2016 post from my now ‘shuttered’ Old Blog.

I was incredulous when I saw the ‘WMUR’ headlines this morning. Events cancelled because we were going to have some gusty winds. That was it. Just some, LESS THAN 40mph, winds. No hurricane, no rain, no snow. Just a bit of wind. NO rain. WOW.

I was BEYOND a regular at ‘The Games’. I went 17-years on the trot, most times for all 3-days (staying over in Loon). I started going in 1998.

There was NO ‘Concert Tent’ in 1998.

We didn’t get ‘The Tent’ till c. 2003.

Then there was 2001 — shortly after 9/11, flights cancelled & a hurricane barrelling by. They still had the Games. We sat, in the open.

I have sat in rain & sleet.

Today WAS NOTHING. Nothing. This is crazy.

I wasn’t planning to go today. IF I am ONLY going up for the day, I avoid Saturdays. Too crowded. I MIGHT go tomorrow — after 7-year hiatus.

I am, nonetheless, still in shock. The Scots are meant to be rugged & stoic when it comes to weather.

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