New Promising Study Into A Drug-Free CURE For ‘Type 2’ Diabetes — This Is Worth Checking Out.

by Anura Guruge
on October 17, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Check these two links: link 1 & link 2.

This study was talked about in the November 22 issue of “The Reader’s Digest” (which I started flipping through today). It sounded so promising that I wanted to go check other sources as to the veracity of what was being claimed. So, I Googled “Direct Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial”. You should do the same.

I was impressed & gratified. The study sure is encouraging — which is GREAT news. I don’t have diabetes as yet, BUT live in dread of getting it. I am supposed to be at risk. That is why I look up stuff like this.

What was gratifying is that much of what is in the study I had pieced together over the years — &, more or less, practice most of what they advocate! Wow. I was happy. So, I am on the right track.

IF you are worried about getting diabetes or (alas) already have it, you really should check out this study. All the best.

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