New Hampshire ‘State House’ — Tour Tips To Get Most From Visit.

by Anura Guruge
on June 24, 2023

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I used to volunteer at the ‘New Hampshire State House‘.

These were crib notes that were given to us so we can lead visitor tours.

I am trying to get rid of a bunch of old documents & came across a number of still useful guides from the State House. This being one of them.

I do NOT want to get rid of them BEFORE I capture & PRESERVE them ONLINE. Hence this.

My only goal is to make sure that at least this copy these useful (timeless) crib notes will remain on the Web for posterity. Kind of my own personal archiving system for the State!

These notes are pretty useful. Read through them.

This is a GUIDE that I previously posed. Click to access that post.

Click image to access post.

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