My Sunset Yesterday At ‘Halfmoon Lake’, Alton, N.H.

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2022

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Summer is fleeting up here in the Arctic circle. So, I TRY to make the best of it.

We have beach rights to this lake, i.e., ‘Halfmoon Lake‘, in Alton, New Hampshire.

I usually walk the beach in the morning — with Rowen. I, however, never go down to the beach during the day! It is too hot or I am too busy.

But, I try to go down, for an hour or so, after 7pm. Try to do that most evenings — weather permitting.

Usually I am the only one there. I like that. Plus, after 7pm, dogs are allowed on the beach. So, I can take Rowen.

Rowen & I have been going down the last few evenings. She likes it. She sits on the sand & takes it all in.

This was yesterday, June 6, 2022.

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