My School Chum, ‘Charlie Baird Parker’, The Son Of ‘THE BIRD’, Is Alas DEAD — One Item Off My Bucket List.

by Anura Guruge
on February 17, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. Link to original.

Click to ENLARGE. From obituary above.

We, i.e., Charlie & I, were in school, viz. ‘English School of Paris‘, together in Paris, 1968 to 1969. He was 13-months older than I. We became VERY CLOSE — inseparable. We got up to a TON of mischief. Actually it was MUCH worse than mischief! I think back & shudder!

He was quite the musician even then. Amazing talent. Played a bunch of instruments. Not limited to one.

HE HAD A DREAM. At the time we both thought it was very ‘romantic’ & brave. He wanted to DIE, just like his father, from ‘abusing his body’, in his 30s. We were 16. 30 was miles away. We both were convinced we wouldn’t live past 30. I am still amazed that I am still alive.

In August 1969 we left Paris. I was sent to boarding school in London. There was no social media & I had NO ACCESS to a phone. We lost touch.

About 10 years ago I tried to LOCATE Charlie using the Internet. I did track him down to Pennsylvania. I spoke to a few people who knew him, BUT they couldn’t put me in touch with him. It was along the lines “yea, he sometimes plays here … not regular … he turns up“.

As some of you know I have been somewhat busy … SMILE.

But, I put down TRACKING Charlie on my bucket list. I was going to go down to PA and really try to track him down.

So, yet again I started doing Web research. Then I found the above obituary. He died 10 years ago. It was around the time I had tried to find him. I can’t be sure when it was. But, it was in that time period.

I am SAD. I would have liked to have seen him. Buy him a drink.

So, now, ALAS, that is OFF my bucket list — & I wish it wasn’t.

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