My Latest Endeavor — Making Soup For My Liquid-Heavy Diet.

by Anura Guruge
on July 4, 2022

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As anybody who has had the misfortune to see of late would have immediately seen, I have put on a lot of weight over the winter. So much so that I have take the batteries off my smart scales so I can’t weigh myself. I don’t want to know. The mirror already provides me with way to much data.

My problem, as ever, is plain, simple, piggish gluttony. I love food too much. I eat way too much.

But, I also don’t consume as much liquids as I should.

I don’t like water. I don’t drink water. Prior to the last 10 days my liquid consumption was 50% coffee, 50% wine. I know that quite a few of my many health problems can be attributed to this. So, I am trying new ways to add other liquids to my diet.

I like Chinese soup. So, I decided to try & make my own, so I can control the ingredients & NOT ADD SALT. I am not much into salt either, other than what I get in what I eat.

My soups are low-fat, low-carb, high in protein & chock a block with fiber.

So, this batch I made today consists of: chicken, hot Italian sausages, caggage, water sprouts, diced mushrooms, leeks, squash, onions & Jalapeno peppers. As with all things in my life, my soups have to be SPICY. So, I empty 1/2 bottle of red-hot chilli sauce, fair amount of Korean BBQ sauce, 3 packets of Chinese soup flavoring & any other hot sauces that come to hand. I also empty 1/4 bottle of Sherry.

It tastes great. I like it. Though I have been eating soup for about 10 days I haven’t lost any weight yet. DAMN.

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