My Christmas Present To Those In PAIN — My ‘Central Pain’ Book As A Color PDF For $1 (US).

by Anura Guruge
on December 13, 2023

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Click image to get the book for a $1 at ‘PayHip‘. There is also a PREVIEW.

Click to ENLARGE.

This book, which I wrote in 2017, continues to sell. Not a bestseller (alas), but a few copies continue to get bought, each month, & this has been the case since it was published.

As you can see from the reviews people like it.

I wanted to PROVIDE an easy-to-read, CHEAP version of it.

So, this is it. I found ‘PayHip‘ — a platform for marketing PDFs.

So, I created this new PDF today. It is in color. Check it out. There is a PREVIEW.

IF you have pain make sure it is NOT Central Pain (or Central Sensitization).

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