“Mi’kmaq” & Their “Mawiomi” (i.e., Pow Wow): My 1st Encounter, I Hope It Works Out.

by Anura Guruge
on August 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Mi’kmaq Nation’ websites.

No, NO, NOT my first pow wow by a long chalk. I am by now a pow wow veteran. This will be my 2nd this year. It will be my first exposure to the Mi’kmaq & I have NO IDEA what to expect. I hope it turns out to be GREAT.

Starting in 1981 I have spent a LOT of time with the ‘Navajo‘, in Arizona, on their lands. I love the Navajo. Yes, they have issues but they are a in the main gentle, kind, proud and honorable. I wish I could spend more time with them but Arizona is a bit far from home.

My encounters with Indians in these parts haven’t been as good. Yes, of course, I have met a SOME WONDERFUL, DELIGHTFUL soles. Folks I would be proud to call brothers. But, I have also had some bad, very bad experiences — with the ‘Passamaquoddy’. That is why I stay clear of ‘Eastport’ these days.

I am hoping the Mi’kmaq are more like the Navajo — though I have a feeling I will be disappointed. There aren’t that many pure, i.e., 100%, natives around here. Not so with Navajo. A much bigger NATION, spread across a bigger land.

Well, I am keeping fingers crossed. I will, of course, post. SMILE. I hope the Mawiomi will not make me sad.

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