Meeting Another IBMer, Serendipitously, In ‘Acadia’ (‘Schoodic’).

by Anura Guruge
on June 19, 2024

This was real cool. This was during my May 15-16, 2024, trip to ‘Acadia‘ (the third, at the time, for 2024).

A delightful, very talented & extremely gracious family from New Jersey visiting Acadia for the first time. I met them at ‘Frazer Point‘ in ‘Schoodic‘. The father & son were playing football & I, in my inimitable manner, butted in. They tossed the ball for me. It was fun. I showed them “Raven’s Nest” — which they had not known about. They loved it — as most do. My favorite spot in Acadia.

I had much to do so I left them at The Nest. I bumped into them again as I was leaving ‘Schoodic Point’. We chatted more.

Incredible family. The father runs a half-marathon daily! Wow. Look at him. Transpired that the daughter, works for IBM. Wow. That was neat. We chatted. I gave them a copy of one of my books. I, alas, didn’t have any ‘Bold Coast’ books. So, I had to give them a ‘Christmas’ one. They liked it.

They took this picture. They sent it to me yesterday. MADE MY DAY.

Great family. I am hoping to hook up with them again, later this year or next.

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