Me At The Famous Whaling Museum in ‘Nantucket’, Mass. — Nov. 15, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on November 19, 2023

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Visiting this museum was on my bucket list.

I have had a lifelong fascination with whaling. I knew that this museum is considered one of the best.

Very well laid out, lit & amenable museum.

It, fortunately, was NOT crowded — the only place in Nantucket that wasn’t. Glad of that.

Not as EXTENSIVE as I had hoped.

Just one BIG — & rather famous — whale skeleton. I am sure I have seen bigger in other museums. I will have to check.

No regrets, however. I could have spent more time, BUT I had a FERRY to catch.

Not sure whether I will ever go back. But I am ALREADY planning to go to the museum in ‘New Bedford’, Mass. Stay tuned.

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