Market Basket’s ‘Spinach & Cheese’ Spanakopita Swirls: My Poison, My Downfall & Why I Am 20 lbs Overweight.

by Anura Guruge
on January 30, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

I talked about these in my Hannaford ‘No-Giblet’ Chicken post yesterday.

These swirls are MY addiction. I can’t get enough. I am continually gorging myself on them. I am known to eat multiple swirls a day — multiple at one sitting.

IF I could curb my gluttony when it comes to these swirls I could easily be 20 lbs lighter. I am overweight BECAUSE of these swirls.

I use restrain & moderation when it comes to ALL other food. This is the ONE exception. WINE is not a food. So, wine doesn’t count. I nearly died having caught typoid from polluted water. Since then I have avoided water — preferring wine.

These swirls. Have you ever tried them. They are DIVINE. No, no, NO. Nothing like what you can get frozen in boxes. I have no trouble saying NO to those. It is only these Market Basket swirls.

They have an ungodly fat content & are obviously v. high in carbs. That is why they are killing me. 80% of my not inconsiderable health woes can be attributed to these swirls. But, I can’t stop eating them, alas.

So, now you know why I am so unhealthy & overweight. These swirls. I wish I had never met them.

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