‘Listen’ & ‘Look’: 2 Words Repeatedly Being Used By TV Talking Heads. Why? It Is Rude & Stupid.

by Anura Guruge
on July 23, 2024

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Yes, I am a well known news junkie. I watch a lot of news on TV and listen to a lot of news on ‘BBC‘, ‘CNN‘ & ‘CNBC‘ on ‘Sirius XM‘. During the last year I have been struck, DAILY, by how often I heard talking heads repeatedly saying ‘listen’ & ‘look’ — as FILLERS — when they are talking. It is so stupid. Makes them sound stupid. Plus it is rude.

You even have seasoned pros like ‘David Axelrod‘ doing it, not occasionally, but all the time.

It is an affectation. A nervous tick. A filler. Seeking time to get their thoughts in order.

I find it very annoying and distracting. I wish TV station would make an attempt to somehow stop this stupid practice.

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