‘Lightning In A Bottle’ TV Ad. By Financial Heavyweights ‘CME Group’ Is Quite Arresting.

by Anura Guruge
on October 18, 2022

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Click image to watch the video on YouTube or use embed below.

Another video that might provide some background, insights & color.

I do my best to avoid watching TV ads. I either change channels (& then come back) or (more often) Fast Forward because I am invariably watching TV on a slight delay. {That works well, because that lets me FF over Ads. (SMILE) (There is, ALWAYS, method to my madness.}

As it happens I glimpsed the end of this Ad as I was Fast Forwarding. The imagery of all those LIT JARS, even in FF, was powerful & arresting. It stopped me in my tracks! Every Ad creators dream. Getting a punter that hooked. I was captivated. I had to stop & rewind.

I, as an avid (near daily) option trader, am v. familiar with ‘CME Group‘. Plus, I see them or hear of them near daily on CNBC — the TV channel I watch most often. So, I didn’t need an introduction to them, their products or their ‘goals’.

“Opportunities can be hard to find. Like catching lightning in a bottle.”

That is the premise of this Ad. Clever. Well, it served its purpose. It got me to stop & watch. Actually it did MORE. It got me to talk about it! Wow! That is beyond the dreams of Ad. creators. Word of mouth {or in this case ‘Word of blog’}.

Well, it is cute & clever, & as you know I like to share such stuff with YOU. Enjoy.

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