Last Time Thanksgiving (U.S.) Fell On November 25 (As In 2021) Was In 2010 — 11-Years Ago.

by Anura Guruge
on November 21, 2021

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U.S. Thanksgiving (the ONLY ‘Thanksgiving’ of import & meaning as far as I am concerned, the others being but shameless efforts at imitation), as of 1941, is ALWAYS on a Thursday — the 4th Thursday of November. As such, it can occur between November 22 to November 28.

This year, i.e., 2021, it occurs smack, bang in the middle of that range, i.e., November 25.

Last year, Thanksgiving marred by COVID-19, was one day later, November 26 (& it was a leap year to boot).

The year before that, i.e., 2019, it was on November 28 — the furthest it can ever be out.

The last time it was on November 25 was 2010, 11-years ago. Prior to that 2004 & if you want to go back further 1999, 1993 … 1982.

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