Last Time Christmas Fell On A Saturday Was 11-Years Ago, In 2010.

by Anura Guruge
on December 12, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE. From an Excel spreadsheet I maintain.

Click to ENLARGE and study here. Here is the link to the original.

If you were having trouble remembering the last time Christmas fell on a Saturday, it is because it was over a decade ago. Yes, the last time was in 2010. So, there has been a 11-year gap.

IF you are into calendaring (as I am) you will immediately seize upon that ’11’. 11 is significant. It is 7+4, i.e., the number of days in a week (7) & the number of years between leap years.

Yes, the 11-year gap was because of a leap year — the leap year in 2016.

If not for the leap year Christmas 2016 would have been on a Saturday — per the 6-year norm (bar leap years). So, that is what happened. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary. Just straight, natural progression of events. There is a 28-year cycle involved here — again, as is to be expected, a factor involving 7 & 4. Calendaring is so intriguing, but also predictable given that we don’t have that many variables.

But, we don’t have to worry about that for now. In 2027, 6-years from now, Christmas will again be on a Saturday.

Merry Christmas.

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