‘Kate Baldwin’ (The Real One), At ‘Concerts In The Clouds’, August 21, 2021 — Redefined What A Virtuoso Performance Is All About!

by Anura Guruge
on August 22, 2021

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Kate Baldwin‘ (the real ‘Kate Baldwin’ as opposed to her namesake on CNN) is a stupendous talent with quite the amazing voice (& range). She sure can sing & she knows how to entertain, on a grand scale. Her personality is off-the-scale & it is very clear that she is the consummate professional. An incredibly polished act executed flawlessly. She didn’t put a foot wrong or miss a beat. It was beyond a virtuoso performance. She redefined what we should in future take as a baseline for that definition.

I wasn’t sure what to expect. I am no stranger to Broadway or for that matter, the London’s West End. She definitely brought Broadway to the Tent in the Clouds — & as you can see from my pictures we sure did have clouds last night (though no rain nor winds). It was a great evening, both in terms of the soaring performance & the temperate weather.

This was the last ‘ticketed’ concert of the season — the first under this new tent in the clouds. It has been quite the season & Kate Baldwin capped it off with panache & elan. You should have been there. She was great.

Georgia Stitt‘ who accompanied her on the piano was brilliant too. We got to hear some of her work — short poems made into songs. Another amazing talent.

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