It Is October 1 & ‘Teischan’ Decks Out The House For Halloween Per Her Tradition.

by Anura Guruge
on October 1, 2022

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Halloween, indubitably, is Teischan’s favorite holiday — by far, by far (even though she doesn’t get any presents). She starts thinking about Halloween in July. She has it all planned in her head by September. Since I have a thing about ‘rushing’ holidays she & I have a very informal agreement that she will not put up Halloween stuff until October. Well, today was October 1, & off she went.

For the last few years she does ALL of the Halloween decorations, including the lights, by herself. Refuses help. As she likes to proclaim: “she is an independent woman“! SMILE.

It is great to see her do all this herself. She loves it. She was out for over 6 hours doing all of this. Still a bit more to go. We can’t find the Halloween laser projector (as opposed to the three Christmas ones). I will keep you posted.

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