It Is NOT Easy Being I, Having To Spend 2-Hours In The SNOW To Meet My Self-Imposed Step Goals.

by Anura Guruge
on December 16, 2022

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It was snowing & it never let up. I need that hat to stay warm.

From ‘Garmin Connect’. 4.17 miles & 2-hours in the snow.

I have to get in my steps (~17,000/day, 500,000+/month) Rain, SNOW or SHINE — provided it is 5F (-15C) or above. Hate the RAIN. Snow is better as long as it is not blowing in your face too much. That was the case today. Hardly any wind. So the snow was gently falling, straight down. Not too bad. Wasn’t that cold either. Hovering around 32F. I will take that.

Have to wear my Russian fur-hat. In my dotage I really feel the cold. That has been the biggest thing about getting old. I never used to feel or mind the cold. Now that I am old, I am always cold.

7pm now & I have to go out again now, albeit just for about 15-minutes. Dogs need walking.

Then a brisk, 20-minute, ~1 mile, between 11:40 & midnight for my postprandial amble.

My life is not easy. But, I kind of like it. Wouldn’t trade it.

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