IRS ‘Free File Fillable Forms’ For 2024 (i.e., 2023 Tax Year) Is Now Available. (Yippie!)

by Anura Guruge
on January 29, 2024

Click to access the ‘’ page for ‘FFFF’.

I, for very good reasons, DON’T trust ANY tax software! Period. I know — & I have been proven right multiple times — that my date will be COMPROMISED, EXPLOITED & SHARED. I don’t want anyone, BUT anyone, other than the IRS knowing about my taxes. I am a very private person.

I have been using FFFF for close onto a decade. It is NOT perfect. But, it does what I want.

Yes, I do my TAXES by HAND!

I know how to do taxes by hand. You should too. Useful skill.

Yes, I was trained by one of THE BEST over a period of 16-years.

Now I know how to do it by hand, I am NEVER going to lose that skill.

FFFF saves me from having to do in on paper — in pencil. SMILE.

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