‘International String Trio’, Performing In ‘Wolfeboro’ N.H. On Sept. 25, 2022 — Short YouTube Video.

by Anura Guruge
on September 26, 2022

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Click to play YouTube video or see YouTube embed below.

Click to ENLARGE. Half of the photos that were stitched together to create this YouTube.

Click image to access their Website.

They, viz. the ‘International String Trio‘, were amazingly brilliant at the ‘Great Waters‘ concert, in Wolfeboro, N.H., on Sunday.

This is NOT a conventional video of them performing. Instead it is a photo montage of 80 photos stitched together, with YouTube supplied soundtrack (to circumvent copyright), to create quick 2-minute video. Check it out. It gives you a real feel of what it was like to be in the audience. Enjoy.

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