In Total Disbelief That ‘Rogue’ MA Truck Driver Who Killed 7 Bikers In N.H. Was Acquitted!

by Anura Guruge
on August 9, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

This horrific accident that happened in 2019 was BIG news. The driver had ADMITTED taking drugs earlier in the day. For reasons I cannot fathom the judge would NOT permit this drug use claims to be presented in court. This is amazing. I am glad that our Governor finds it shocking too. Totally acquitted (albeit after spending 3-years in prison prior to the case)!

Fortunately, he was NOT allowed to walk out of the courthouse a free man. That is some consolation. He is being held on some immigration violation (technicalities). It appears that he might still have driver license related cases in MA — as well as civil prosecution.

He is probably being kept in isolation. The riders that died belonged to a club that did a lot of charity work & as such much respected & liked. There will be folks in prison that are not happy that he got acquitted. IF I get the time I really would like to understand what happened at the trial. It seems a travesty. A travesty of justice.

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