IF Sri Lanka Is In Such Crisis Why Is It Hosting An Expensive Cricket Tour & Why Are The Stadiums Full?

by Anura Guruge
on June 8, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ a few minutes ago.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘The Indian Express’ … click here for original.

Yes, of course, cricket is IMPORTANT. I, of all people, know & appreciate that.

But, staging an international cricket tour is v. EXPENSIVE & the lights and TV equipment require lots & lots of energy — something that Sri Lanka is currently desperately short of.

They don’t have petrol for their cars BUT they have all these floodlights BLAZING away.

The stadium was FULL. Everybody appeared to having a ball. None of them looked like they were hungry.


If they don’t have the money to buy food where are they getting money to pay for the tickets? Come on …

This is confusing.

The wrong image.

Yes, I have heard that the tour will raise some desperately needed foreign currency — possibly from the TV coverage. But, I am not sure whether the tour will actually be profitable.

Yes, I appreciate that cricket is a distraction.

But …

Come on.

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