IF ‘BritBox’ Stops Working On ‘Roku’ The FIRST Thing You Should Check …

by Anura Guruge
on May 25, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘Google’.

Before you do any of the usual suggestions, i.e., removing the channel, restarting the Roku, etc., etc., here is what you need to FIRST DO. Very easy & simple.

Check that you are NOT logged into ‘BritBox‘ from another device, e.g., PC, phone, etc.

That could be the reason why BritBox on Roku is not cooperating. You are logged on somewhere else.

Easy fix.

This should NOT be an issue. But, it appears to be.

I discovered it to my cost yesterday.

I have been using BritBox, on my Roku, with never any trouble, for well over 5 years.

Then yesterday the Roku APP refused to play ball.

I did all the usual. None of that worked. Then I REMEMBERED that I was logged onto BritBox, atypically, from my PC. I logged out of my PC. Bingo. Easy as that.

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