I Saved A Dragonfly Today.

by Anura Guruge
on August 18, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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I spotted it, on its back, on my walk this morning. It was a hot morning & the paving was hot. From a distance I thought it was dead. When I got closer I could see that its feet were ‘pedaling’ furiously. It was trying to right itself but having no luck. I think it was the hot paving.

My first concern was to prevent Rowen from trying to eat it. I got her under control & far enough away so as to not impede my efforts.

I didn’t want to use my hand. OK. Truth me known I am kind of squeamish when it comes to any insects. I can kill them, but I don’t like touching them unless I am really forced to. BUT, there was another reason. Touching it by hand could have harmed it. I know that we have oils on our hands (even when we are not sweating (as I happened to be)) that can harm their wings. Plus, my touch might have been too ‘strong’. So i went looking for a suitable, small stick. I found one.

Only took one expert flick. It was back on its feet. The pictures tell the story. it seemed to be fine. After letting me take a couple of pictures it flew off. I was happy. I like dragonflies.

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