I Install The Christmas Lasers — 3 To Begin With.

by Anura Guruge
on December 10, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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We light up the trees too.

3 lasers.

Tesichan, a bit ‘under the weather’, is, to her chagrin, a behind schedule with getting all the outside lights done. But, she won’t let me help her or attempt to do some of it myself. Given that she has been doing all the lights herself for the last few years she thinks I am no longer capable. I am OK with that.

She did, however, let me put the 3 lasers up though she was NOT happy that she was not able to standover me & supervise! She might go & mess around with them tomorrow. That is OK. Christmas is all for her.

To my surprise & delight the ground was NOT frozen. For once I was able to get some deep holes made without undue trouble. So, I was able to set them firmly in the ground — though I did bolster them with a few rocks.

I am never satisfied with the lasers. Just this morning I was looking to see what new ones they had. So I might not be done for the year. Might have to get another. This year I have enough wiring laid out for a FEW more! SMILE.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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