I Got My 3rd COVID-19 BOOSTER Today, 5.75-Months After My 2nd Booster.

by Anura Guruge
on September 25, 2022

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Well, it appears to have worked so far, so I am GAME to go along. I am sure I will get COVID at some point — I sure seem to be meeting folks, with increasing regularity, who have got COVID despite having had Boosters. I just like to delay it as long as possible — plus getting the boosters costs me nothing, bar some time & effort. Well, I did it.

This time around I was a few weeks behind, mainly because of my last trip to Maine in mid-September. The other two times I got my booster within days of becoming eligible!

Let’s wait & see. Fingers crossed.

I also got my annual flu shot while I was there. This was by far the earliest I have got the flu shot. I typically like to get it around Thanksgiving. Well …

They (i.e., ‘Walgreens’) didn’t have the pneumonia shot that I had also signed up for. Damn! Need to get that at some point. Going for my DREADED annual physical on Tuesday. Maybe they might have it.

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