I Got My 2nd COVID-19 BOOSTER Today, 5-Months After My 1st Booster.

by Anura Guruge
on April 2, 2022

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Given my advanced years & uncertain health, I don’t want to take any chances. Plus, I am still convinced that my first shot — supposedly J&J was a FAKE. I think they injected me with some saline.

Well, now, at least, I have had 3 shots — two of them supposedly Pfizer. Note ‘supposedly‘. I hate to say this, BUT I don’t trust any of the folks involved in this. How do we know? How can we tell. Triple, quadruple vaccinated folks still end up getting COVID. Obama got COVID.

Well, at least I have tried.

As far as I am concerned it is a bloody miracle that I haven’t got COVID as yet. But, I am not complacent. I realize that I could get it tomorrow.

With the 1st booster I managed to get it within 21-hours of it getting approved.

With this the 2nd, I wasn’t in as much of a hurry. PLUS, I did not want to get it on April 1 — April Fools’ Day! So, I waited until today.

Lets see what transpires. Fingers crossed.

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