I Finally Got ‘Android 13’ On My ‘Pixel 6 Pro’ After 4-Days Of Trying.

by Anura Guruge
on August 19, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. On my ‘Pixel 6 Pro‘.

On Tuesday of this week (i.e., August 16, 2022) I read on ‘Google News‘ that ‘Android 13‘ was being sent out to Pixel phones. I, as a ‘Pixel 6 Pro‘ owner, thought I would get it fairly quickly. WRONG! I was checking 4 to 6 times a day with no joy. Nothing. NADA. I was getting slightly worried.

Then today, on the 4th try, I finally got the notification that I had an update. Wow. Hurrah! Well, as of then it was a piece of cake. The update didn’t take that long.

I used to get Android updates quite quickly, i.e., soon after it was released. Then I realized that I have a NEW Pixel 6 Pro — i.e., one that I only got on June 28, 2022 after I cracked the screen on the 6 Pro I had bought at Christmas 2021. I guess the updates are sent out in serial number order. I don’t know for sure. Just a supposition. If so, it would make sense. Newer the phone, later the update.

But for now I am just happy that I finally got Android 13. I am NOT, by a long chalk, a power user when it comes to Android or mobile phones. So, I have not noticed any changes, improvements or problems. But, I will be vigilant. Stay tuned.

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