I Busted My Knee 4-Years Ago & Needed Surgery — THE BEST THING That Happened To Me In 15-Years! You Should Bust Your Knee Too.

by Anura Guruge
on February 26, 2023

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I am so, so, so GLAD that I slipped, shoveling snow, on February 28, 2019 & SNAPPED my Quad-tendon. I did NOT know I had a quad-tendon.

I postponed surgery for a week, because we had a mini-vacation booked in the Cape, & had it done on March 8, 2019.

CHANGED MY LIFE — for the better.

I am so glad I busted my knee. I am a new, better man because of it.

It was a wake up call. I was, prior to it, exercising daily & watching my diet. But, I had become lazy & complacent.

My pre-surgery blood work said my blood glucose was 102. I started crying. I was so distraught. All the nurses are saying it is FINE. It is FINE. You don’t have to worry till it gets close to 125. Heck with that.

From the very day of the surgery I changed my life.

I went on a much, much, much stricter diet. I lost 20 pounds. I STILL NEED TO LOSE ANOTHER 25. But, losing 20 was a START.

And I started AMBLING, each & every day, even while I was on crutches. They had me on crutches for 6 weeks. The day I was allowed to ditch them I started ambling in anger.

The rest as some of you know is history.

In the 1st year after surgery I walked 2,250 miles.

I now walk at least 3,000 miles a year. SMILE.

I have walked at least 10,000 steps, EACH & EVERY DAY, since April 17, 2020.

That is an unbroken 1,046 day STREAK.
2 years 10 months.

So, as February 28 nears I thank my lucky stars that I busted my knee.

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