I Am Gobsmacked That Anybody Would Be That Stupid & Audacious To Google Something That Specific About Disposing Of A Body.

by Anura Guruge
on January 11, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Click for the original article from the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

OK. OK. We have since learnt that he, viz. ‘Brian Walshe‘, had psychiatric issues &, moreover, was on house-arrest for a wire-fraud conviction (for selling fake ‘Andy Warhol’ paintings).

But …?

I guess he thought he would never be looked into as a suspect. He must have realized that the police would look at his computer. These days deleting your browser history alone wouldn’t cut it. The police would get his Web activity from his Internet Service Provider (ISP).


I am not going to Google it. I guess it comes up with some results. He appears to have been quite successful in getting rid of the body. WOW.

Things people can do — things people actually do — on the Internet.

I am shocked & sobered.

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