How Many Of You Know That Maine’s State Motto Is ‘Dirigo’?

by Anura Guruge
on April 17, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Please scroll down. Wikipedia link.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

No, it is NOT an Australian dog (which is ‘Dingo‘) nor the title of a movie. It is what it is, the Latin, Dīrigō. The image from Wikipedia above tells you all that you probably want to know.

“The Way Life Should Be”, is NOT Maine’s motto. It is Maine’s slogan. There is a difference. Check image right at top.

New Hampshire, on the other hand, does NOT have a slogan. The famous “Live Free or Die” is THE MOTTO.

I am sure that kids in Maine, at some point, are taught the motto. I would like to find out. I will be back in Maine within the month. I am going to ask around. I am also going to check how many ‘young’ folks know what ‘Latin’ is! You think I am joking.

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