Have You Heard Of Austria’s 131′ Long Ladder, 0.4-Mile Above Ground, Called ‘Sky Ladder’ Or ‘Stairway To Heaven’?

by Anura Guruge
on June 26, 2021

Click image to access article at ‘scenestr.com.au‘. Image from that article.

It was featured in this month’s ‘National Geographic‘ (which I still subscribe to in printed form). That is how I came to learn about it. I was impressed & intrigued.

Not sure whether I would want to … or could climb it.

Heights, per se, don’t bother me too much. But, there are limits. Plus, I am getting old & not as ‘steady’ or foolhardy as I used to be.

But, I sure wanted to make sure you get to hear about it. Check out the YouTube video if nothing else. It is WILD. Enjoy.

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