Getting To Know ‘pOLED’ vs ‘AMOLED’ Screen Technology Prior To the Launch Of The Google ‘Pixel 6 Pro’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 9, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘GIZMODO (click here to access full post).

Good article on ‘pOLED’ technology. Click image to access full article.

As you can see from the ‘GIZMODO’ post (above) the two different models of the forthcoming Google ‘Pixel 6’ range will have different screen types. The smaller model will use Samsung’s ‘AMOLED‘ technology while the bigger model, with a superior camera module, will rely on LG’s ‘pOLED‘ technology.

By now AMOLED is a known technology renowned for its vivid, bright display characteristics — against a jet-black background. pOLED is relatively unknown & is easily confused with ‘PMOLED‘ (a technology not as good sa AMOLED).

pOLED a term coined by LG while Samsung came up with AMOLED.

LG kind of missed the boat with that name. It should have been called pAMOLED.

So, let’s quickly sort out these acronyms.

OLED = Organic Light Emitting Diodes (the underlying display methodology).

AM = Active Matrix, which basically allows each OLED to be individually controlled.

PM = Passive Matrix, where individual OLEDs cannot be selectively controlled.

p = Plastic (as opposed to glass).

AMOLED = Active Matrix OLED.

PMOLED = Passive Matrix OLED.

AMOLED displays are superior in terms of vividness, brightness & speed to PMOLED. All of today’s high-end mobile devices used AMOLED.

pOLEDs also used Active Matrix. So they are really p(AM)OLED rather than just pOLED.

What differentiates pOLEDs is that they are built with flexible plastic as opposed to more rigid & breakable glass. That it is plastic also makes it less expensive.

So, in terms of display quality AMOLED & pOLED are not that different. Different comes in the pOLEDs flexibility — which permits the cost-effective creation of curved or bendable displays. So, that is the story. OK?

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