‘Free The Nipple’, 7 to 8 Years After It Came To Prominence in New Hampshire, Is Again Making News — On A Global Scale.

by Anura Guruge
on January 18, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ original from TODAY.

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. 2019 shenanigans.

Click to ENLARGE.

Given my European upbringing (& all the topless beaches I had frequented) I have never understood why Americans feel so THREATENED by the female breast. Most natural thing in the world. All of our mother’s were born with them. Many of us (though alas not I) were breastfed.

I was an ardent INITIAL supporter of the New HampshireFree the Nipple‘ movement — way back in 2015. I am still totally committed to total equality when it comes to TOPLESSNES — male & female. It should not be a ‘deal at all’ — never mind a ‘big deal’.

So, this decision by ‘Facebook‘ & ‘Instagram’ to FINALLY permit the display of female nipples is much appreciated & welcome. No, it is not that I want to see them (though I have no objection to them whatsoever, whatsoever & do enjoy the aesthetics) it is the EQUALITY & FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

Another BIG DAY for ‘Free the Nipple’. May it long stand firm.

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