Folks Going To Work, Knowing They Have COVID (Omicron) & Openly Dealing With The UNSUSPECTING Public.

by Anura Guruge
on January 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From Google News.

It is sad, scary & was totally PREDICTABLE.

What a sorry state we, in the U.S., are in.

Omicron, as we all know, though highly infectious, is not as debilitating for most as the prior iterations of COVID. Some claim that it is like a really bad case of the flu.

Well, it appears that folks are going to work KNOWING that they have COVID — or the Omicron variant. Moreover, some of these folks have jobs dealing with THE PUBLIC — & they are doing so without in any way notifying the public that they currently have COVID. This is not right, of course, at multiple levels.

It is sad. It is scary.

Some, of course, are going to work because they need the money. Staying at home is not an option. My heart bleeds for them. That is not right. We really should not permit that.

Then there are those that go to work because they are just plain cussed & think it is ‘OK’ to expose others. A bit of a lark. They are SICK — in multiple ways. Ironically, at least as of now, they cannot be prosecuted for breaking any laws. That is not right.

Then we have that go to work because of ‘staff shortages’! This scenario is bad, because many of these are jobs that involve public intercourse. They go to work because their job has to be done to keep a public facility open & functioning. This is NOT good. But, it happens.

I learnt last night that some Town Employees (of a New Hampshire town) worked over the weekend, openly dealing with the public, thought they had already tested POSITIVE for COVID. They couldn’t call in sick because they didn’t have anybody to cover for them. They were already short-staffed. They couldn’t call in sick. Well, they could have BUT there MIGHT have been a public outcry. But, couldn’t we the public have been told, ‘Closed due to COVID’?

Instead, a lot of unsuspecting folks got exposed to COVID!


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