‘Fidelity’ Makes A Foray Into The ‘Metaverse’ With ‘The Fidelity Stack’ — But 16-Year Daughter Was Not Impressed.

by Anura Guruge
on April 21, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Click here to get to this page on ‘Fidelity.com’.

Click to ENLARGE. At the start of the ‘Fidelity Stack’ tour.

As an extremely happy ‘Fidelity‘ client of close onto 30-years, I am happy that Fidelity is trying to be HIP & going after the younger investors. All my kids have had Fidelity accounts & the youngest two still have.

My 16-year old is very blasé about her Fidelity account, though she has a DREAM portfolio, created 7 years ago, with the likes of AMZN, TSLA, GOOG & NVDA. So, I thought this would be a great way to get her to show some interest in investment tools.

I got her to try ‘The Fidelity Stack‘ on her Chromebook. She was far from impressed. According to her it was just a boring lot of reading. I don’t know. I haven’t had the time (nor inclination) to spend any time on it. Though I started programming in 1969 (yes, 52-years ago) I never got into liking computer games. They never appealed — plus, most of my adult life, I have never had enough free time for ‘games’. SMILE. Funnily, though she, a few years back, went through the usual ‘Minecraft’ phase, my 16-year old is also NOT into computer games! That was her first reaction to ‘The Fidelity Stack’. I don’t like computer games.

I am sure Fidelity will finesse their Metaverse offerings over time. For now, all I can say is that they have made a foray & that my 16-year old was underwhelmed.

P.S., She complained that ‘The Stack’ froze her (fairly new) Chromebook. She has never had it freeze previously. She was not happy. Just a heads up.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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