Do YOURSELF A HUGE Favor & Read This About How Eating Fruit Is Invariably GOOD For You.

by Anura Guruge
on February 8, 2023

Click to ENLARGE & read highlights here. Link to U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article from this morning.

I read the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’, online, multiple times a day. If you are even somewhat familiar with this blog you would know that. I quote them at least once a week. I have been a Daily Mail reader from the time I was an adult, living in the UK, i.e., since the mid-1970s.

So, this morning, while reading the Mail, in bed, while drinking a cup of coffee I was DELIGHTED to read this. Why? Because I occasionally worry that I eat too much fruit! I invariably have some fruit for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Plus, as many of you might know, I am paranoid about getting diabetes. So, I worry about my carb intake.

This article was very reassuring.

I also LOVED the insert about the dangers of donuts, cereals & pizza. I haven’t eaten any pizza or donuts in years. Yes, definitely years. I do eat cereal, as a TREAT, maybe 7 or 8 times a year — & that is always a bran- or granola-based cereal rich in fiber. Over the last few months I have cut back on this too. I have not eaten any cereal in probably 6 months.

Anywho … you should check out this article. It will be good for you.

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