Deer Of The Day.

by Anura Guruge
on June 6, 2023

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This morning during my daily amble. This is a HUGE open field that ‘they’ ‘brush hog‘ multiple times a year though it is just wild, brush. So the growth is ideal for deer. That said I don’t see any/much deer here. I am sure I have seen some (given that I have walked this field for 17 years) but I can’t remember a specific instance.

I am fairly sure that much of this — i.e., my lack of sightings — has to do with MY V. LATE start to each day. I rarely if ever make it to this field before 10am. That, even I know, is late for deer.

Ironically, 400 yards from where this deer stood, is a well used (& constantly repaired) large deer target. Poor deer.

Both dogs were with me. They didn’t see it or smell it (though I can’t tell you which way the wind was blowing). The deer sure saw us. Watched us for a minute or so (as you can see in the photo). Then took off into the woods behind it. Wonder whether I will see it tomorrow?

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